Are you interested in showing your precious kitty at our annual Kitties ‘N Blooms Cat Show & Shopping Event 2025?
Check out the information linked below, then contact our Entry Clerk, Andre Grenier, with a description and picture of your kitten or cat and their age and gender to get started. We hope to see you join us!
Andre Grenier
- How to Show Your Cat
- Household Pets
- Junior Exhibitors
How to Show Your Cat
Welcome to the fun and exciting world of showing your cat with The International Cat Association (TICA)!
- Do you want to enter a TICA cat show?
- Are you wondering what to expect?
- Do you want to know how to prepare for your very first cat show?
- Do you want to know how your cat will be judged and what kinds of titles and awards your cat might earn?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place!
Check out this document for answers to these – and many more – questions to get started. Then, contact our Entry Clerk with any more questions you may have. We hope to see you and your kitty in Kitties ‘NBlooms 2025!
Household Pets
Unique to the cat world, your cat does not need to be pedigreed to join the fun world of showing and earning titles.Almost any cat or kitten can join a TICA cat show. No pedigree or known parentage required.
Household Pets are our everyday companion cats who bring joy to our lives. Many have been adopted from shelters and rescues, having found loving homes where they blossom in the love and attention they receive from their new families.
Household Pets are made up of three general groups: mixed or random bred cats, half-pedigree ‘oops’ cats, and pedigree cats which are either unregistered or do not meet the breed standard (such as straight-earned Scottish Folds or non-curly Selkirk Rex, or even a Persian whose nose is too long). Kittens can start at 4 months, and adult can keep showing all through their senior years if desired.
Household Pets need to be neutered or spayed by the time they are in the adult class at 8 months, but physical handicaps and quirks do not need to limit your kitty from showing as a household pet. Missing limbs, blindness, extra toes. All household pets are welcome, so feel free to ask our Entry Clerk, Andre Grenier, about showing your kitty today!
Earn titles for your precious kitty as they compete with other household pets. This is always a fun class full of camaraderie among exhibitors and warm enjoyment from TICA Judges. Let your kitty shine in the show rings April 12-13, 2025!
Junior Exhibitors
TICA’s Junior Exhibitors are tomorrow’s leaders. As future cat fanciers, rescuers, breeders, and even potential judges, our young people will help shape the future of TICA and the cat fancy as a whole.
TICA’s Junior Exhibitors Program is open to anyone under the age of 18. As members of TICA, each Junior Exhibitor’s continued success is gauged by their accomplishments and personal growth.
Continue reading about TICA’s exciting Junior Exhibitor program here (link).
If you’re interested in joining us as a Junior Exhibitor, please read through this document (link) and fill in the enrollment form (link).
You are welcome to contact our own TICA NorthWest Region Junior Exhibitor Committee members for further information and to express your interest in joining the TICA Junior Exhibitors.
Please email all three of the following with any questions and to submit your Junior Exhibitor
Enrollment form:
Kay Hanvey, TICA Judge
Julie Laney, NW Liaison
Rachel Bowman, CCA Show Manager